Queenie Ray.
Queenie Ray was a child actress, dancer and comedienne, she was described as a “toe dancer” and appeared in Jack & the Beanstalk at the Metropole Theatre, Abertillery in January 1915.
This is the facing page in the book that Queenie Ray wrote on. The little message she wrote was “A little ink may make a million think” “Q R” 16-1-15 and “Metropole T, Abertillery”
The other page she wrote that she was “Principal girl and Premier Danseuse” – Translated to first dancer. She left her autograph and a small photograph of herself in the book, she also wrote “A little ink may make a million think” on the facing page and dated it 16th January 1915.
The clipping (above left) from the Evening Dispatch dated Saturday 24th July 1915 shows Miss Queenie Ray in costume and states that she is a sixteen-year old Moseley girl.
(More information to come).